Monthly Archive: April, 2011


I am starting to share my appointment plan for 2011-12 with various people.  So far had conversations with Rochelle Melander, Jim Conn, Kelvin Sauls, Judy Chung, Catie Coots, Mark Ulrickson and today Beth… Continue reading

My Appointment Plan 2011-12

Pastor:  Rev Nicole Reilley Requested Ministry Appointment:  The Mission Field My Calling: I am an ordained elder in the UMC.  In my 19 years in the local church I have started new things… Continue reading

Why it didn’t work (or at least, my current thoughts)

So why didn’t this church “work” like it is supposed to?  You know, the model of gather, get land, build a building, grow, build more buildings, etc? I think the answer would really depend… Continue reading